Healing Ménière’s Disease: The Levashov Method for Inner Ear Treatment

What is Ménière’s Disease?

Ménière’s Disease, named after physician Prosper Ménière who first described vertigo and hearing loss as a connected disorder at a time in the 19th century when the inner ear was thought of only as a hearing mechanism. It is also not a disease – it is a condition that can last for years, if not lifelong.

Common Symptoms During Attacks

Hearing Loss – Vertigo – Tinnitus – Ear Fullness – Headaches – Drop attacks

Traditional Medical Perspective on Ménière’s Disease

Medical science views the body and its disorders as purely mechanistic. They do not adopt an overall holistic viewpoint in diagnosis and treatment. This means they see parts and sums of parts and diagnose accordingly. According to modern medical science there is no cure for Ménière’s Disease, only symptom management. The source of the condition is unknown. The main running theory is that it is caused by the endolymphatic sac in the inner ear’s inability to reabsorb the endolymphatic fluid, leading to swelling in the membranous labyrinth, an organ in the inner ear responsible for balance and hearing. The hypotheses swirl around from forms of labyrinthitis to vestibulitis, viruses and so forth, but ultimately a physician can only use mechanical methods to attempt to relieve the patient of vertigo, nausea, tinnitus and hearing loss. These treatments range from sedatives to steroid injections, to diuretics to surgical procedures.

The Hidden Role of Toxins and Nervous System in Ménière’s Disease

What traditional medical science is not aware of is the crucial role that toxins in the cerebrospinal fluid play in the creation of this condition by affecting the cerebellum (balance) and the inflammation of the Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) which controls hearing and balance. As well there can be a surprise player which is a damaged Trigeminal nerve (CN V), that controls jaw movements, and enervates eyes, mouth and the face. Another culprit is a non-functioning lymphatic system due to high toxicity in the brain and bone marrow. This is why medical science calls it an autoimmune disease which is a general and convenient category for all conditions related to over toxicity. (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is another one). The excess of endolymphatic fluid and swelling of the inner ear tissue is merely the end of a long chain of problems that lead up to it. The source of the problem, the toxins, can cause more damage than only Ménière’s Disease. It is usually accompanied by Chronic Fatigue, which is not diagnosed.

How Toxins and Cerebrospinal Fluid Impact Chronic Illness

If we have a load of toxins built up and set into the meninges, (the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord), and our cerebrospinal fluid that our brain cannot detoxify at night when we sleep, we begin to gradually move toward chronic illness. The source of these toxins may start in utero when the cranium is still cartilaginous and the toxins from the mother’s amniotic fluid seep in. Most babies are born with slight infection in the meninges. (The meninges play a larger role than simply protection. They are part of the intermediary system between the physical and subtle matter/spiritual bodies and their health is key to development.) Once the baby is born and the cranium hardens, the infection is already present. If a person lives a clean, healthy life, and a deep life of positive choices, love and development, this can dissipate. Unfortunately, most people think mechanistically whereby they are assured by medical science that the way they think and relate and the soulfulness or lack of soulfulness they live by have little to do with health unless it’s positive decisions on diet and exercise. The reality is that most people are bombarded by negative thought patterns and conditioning, vaccines, drugs (including antibiotics) and alcohol and the toxins keep building. We can change this with one decision – we can refuse this system of living if we wish. We can change with our will and by opening our hearts and minds.

Understanding Toxins and Spiritual Bodies in Health

Toxins are also created by issues in the subtle matter bodies which make up the mind/spirit that works in consort with billions of evolutionary neurons in our cerebral cortex. If the spiritual bodies suffer and weaken, so does the body, as there are compromises to the psi-field shield generated by the neurons to protect the organism and process life energy, building evolutionary “meat” in the spirit – our purpose for living!

If infection and toxic load in the brain, spinal cord and immune system has a coefficient that exceeds the tolerable level of toxin dissolution and elimination, now begins a chain reaction of illness. However, there are natural toxins which are the metabolic byproduct of positive brain changes development. As the tissue changes due to changes in the subtle matter/spiritual bodies, the excess is eliminated. But that is a different matter.

The Mechanism Behind Ménière’s Disease Development

In the case of Ménière’s Disease, the overload of toxins negatively affects the cerebellum, the vestibulocochlear nerve (also cranial nerve V), and the organs of the inner ear. This is also in part due to external stress to the inner ear (e.g. loud music on a consistent basis) or a genetic weakness in these nerves and organs where if a person were healthy, would not necessarily express itself in anything noticeable or permanent. When highly taxed, the nuclei of the associated cranial nerves begin to “flicker on and off” and some flicker out, like a chain of partially broken Christmas lights. This stimulation or over stimulation causes an inflammatory response affecting the inner ear. The immune response is an overproduction of endolymphatic fluid.

Holistic Treatment Approach: Levashov Healing for Ménière’s Disease

Ménière’s Disease is not such a mystery after all. It is a condition that can be permanently cured if the source is addressed and the client cooperates (quits smoking, drinking, etc. during the healing process and beyond.) As a Levashov healer I work from the source outward. I begin by scanning an individual client for specific damage in the physical body and the spiritual bodies. In general, I will heal the damage in the spiritual bodies while cleansing the Central Nervous System, (CNS), of toxins.

This is the only method of healing, holistically or otherwise, that can clean the CNS. This because the CNS is a partially closed circulatory system and does not respond to juice cleanses, colonics and so forth.

Complex Healing Process and Nervous System Repair

It is imperative that I also clean and repair the lymphatic system, boosting the immune system so I can work on the discomforting symptoms. I repair the areas of damage in the two cranial nerves, ablating cells and regenerating cells, working my way to the inner ear, reducing the fluid and healing any scarring, as I continue to heal the immune system. Tinnitus – constant ear ringing – is a kind of feedback from scarring.

One might perceive this work as a series of consecutive steps, yet the healing programs work in consort and are all activated and alive in a client. Levashov healing is dimensional and more symphonic than it is like playing one instrument at a time in a marching band running back and forth between the tuba and the drums. This healing process will not only reduce swelling and scarring of the inner ear, but it will also resolve vertigo, tinnitus, balance and potentially bring back full hearing. Healing also addresses deeper concerns and allows for a stronger more developed system with better energy and longevity.

Patient Responsibility and Lifestyle Changes in Healing

To keep in mind, the role of a client is huge in this process. I can affect a person whether he or she isn’t doing anything to assist, but it will be slow if a person continues to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or take drugs. Some prescription medications are so intense they immediately overload the brain and immune system. During the healing process, the more rest a person gets, keeping thoughts positive, feeling acceptance and care of one’s own body and heart mean a great deal. This kind of self-love has a lot of power to it, which increases energy flow in the subtle matter/spiritual bodies and brain. That alone is healing change.