Healing Atherosclerosis

Found in carotid arteries, coronary, thoracic and abdominal aorta, renal arteries, etc.

A. What is atherosclerosis – how does it manifest?

B. The immune system’s role.

C. Traditional treatment vs. Levashov Healing.

I regularly heal people who are afflicted with atherosclerosis, which is a type of arteriosclerosis commonly found in the carotid arteries, although it can be present in other larger arteries. The carotids are located on both sides of the neck, travel upward to the skull and consist of two branches: an internal carotid artery and an external and which supply oxygenated blood from the heart to the brain and eyes, (face). Atherosclerosis is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to fatty plaque build-up found on the arterial wall, which is soft at first, then hardens, slowly reducing blood supply. In advanced stages, this condition causes heart attack and/or stroke. I see a lot more carotid plaque in men than in women. In my initial scan of a client who comes to me after being diagnosed, I also often find the beginnings of atherosclerosis in other arteries, not yet apparent in their medical scans. This usually leads me to a nicely marbled fatty liver. Your friendly neighborhood cannibal might find that appealing, but I don’t, nor should you.

Let’s face it, stress and poor diet affects most people at some time in life or another. While stress itself is a natural part of life, when it reaches a critical limit for extended periods of time it becomes detrimental to our health. That is when poor eating habits kick in, (think: sugar, fats and caffeine). This can be dealt with by our metabolism for a limited time. It is when it becomes chronic, when we are not sleeping well and/or loading ourselves up with toxins from medications to help us sleep and cope, that it becomes a serious problem. Vascular disease is one of many unfortunate by-products of a society that is not geared toward human health and development, but stresses production and material results, and survival within this social structure, no matter the cost to our health. When we find we are running on fumes we must slow down and check in with ourselves. We don’t have to live this way.

Chronic stress alone can destabilize the spiritual bodies and put overt pressure on the immune system and internal organ functioning, throwing the entire organism out of balance. Add a poor diet and lack of sleep and enter arterial atheroma, the build-up of plaque, causing degeneration of the arterial wall and stenosis (the narrowing of the artery).

The Immune System

The immune system plays a vast and extraordinary role in human functioning and health in our spiritual bodies and our physical. (Keep an eye out for an upcoming blog on the immune system, sexuality and gender identity.) Most health failures can be traced back to a compromised immune system. Along with our central nervous system, our immune system is our “hard drive”. Under duress, the immune sends off an alarm signaling a threat. It kicks our defense system into higher gear and directs our lymphocytes to battle the virus while we take it easy and gather our energy for not only the fight, but the vital recovery. But if the immune system is consistently and continuously battered without the proper recovery, the initial bar for the alarm to go off will be lowered! The immune system will not be as on guard and run to our aid. The results of this are inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Chronic fatigue is a big one, so is vascular pathology.

Traditional Medical Treatment

There is no allopathic cure for atherosclerosis or any type of arteriosclerosis. If plague build-up is in the beginning stages, traditional medical treatment is usually simply maintenance and observation. This means changing one’s diet to healthier fruits, fiber, vegetables and lean proteins versus heavy carbs, sugars and fatty meats. (You can toss that Denny’s Super Slam breakfast special out the window.) It also means working toward sleeping well at night and getting regular exercise. Increased cardiovascular exercise may or may not be prescribed by your physician. In general, getting the heart rate up will go a long way to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and keep the heart muscle strong. This can help tremendously in keeping atherosclerosis at bay. It will only be maintained at its beginning stages. It will not disappear. Diet and exercise, for the most part, cannot reverse atherosclerosis – only in rare exception. (See Dr. Dean Ornish’s diet book for heart disease reversal. Some say it works, but it is strict.)

Please note: It is important that you enjoy your exercise! If you don’t enjoy it, your system reads it as stress, and this creates the opposite effect you want. You’ll feel worse. You’ll be worse. Exercise should be a release and pleasurable, even if challenging. If you don’t like yoga, don’t do yoga. If you don’t like lifting weights at the gym, put on some music at home and boogie for an hour. If running doesn’t feel like flying but brings thoughts of appointments you forgot to make and deadlines to meet at each footstep slamming your joints onto the trail, take a long and leisurely walk in nature a few times a week instead. This is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself in body and spirit. Did you know that coniferous trees in forests can cleanse your central nervous system by accessing your psi-field (spiritual field generated by the neurons)? This is what the Japanese call forest bathing. Forests are a network of immense natural power with their own form of sentience. But back to your clogged arteries …

If the maintenance regimen doesn’t work, or if you find you cannot regulate what you eat and reduce your stress, the atheroma will worsen. At this point you will need medical intervention, such as a surgical procedure which may or may not include stents inserted into the artery(s) to keep it open and a prescription of statins to thin the blood. But this does not take care of the source of the problem, nor does it treat all the other areas which are being affected by this vascular disease, that can and eventually will lead to heart disease. Often this condition is genetic. But it can still be “maintained” with a healthy lifestyle.

How I Heal Atherosclerosis

I heal the arteries thoroughly and cleanly, removing all the plaque and restoring the arterial walls. I also heal the immune system, which is key to long term success.

I will first scan the potential client’s physical and spiritual bodies. Feel free to read more on the technique: https://www.levashovhealing.com/understanding-healing-by-intention/  An adult’s entire spiritual and physical system is like an onion. He or she has many layers to explore so the initial scan may not reveal the entire picture of your journey that brought you to me. But it will be specific regarding your condition. I will come up with a healing plan that works for you the client, and for me the healer. This is a commitment on both our parts. I usually work remotely with clients domestically and internationally, and I also work in person. I have clients who fly in to see me. Whether working remotely or in person I make a powerful, titrated and specific impact on a client with my heightened intention. To be able to see and to impact is the unique genius of the Levashov Method training. Most modern day “healers” cannot see inside the body, nor can they impact very much. Another topic for another time.

I clean and restore the lymphatic system and compromised areas of the immune system, whether that be bone marrow, the thymus, the spleen and/or adrenal glands. The latter are usually “burnt out”, sitting sadly on top of your kidneys wondering where the good old days have gone.

I ablate the cells of the fatty plaque build-up (whether soft or hard) in the affected arteries and ensure they will not cause clotting in the bloodstream. I restore the endothelial cells in the arterial walls of the affected area as well as other arteries, if I find similar pathology beginning to take place.

I also focus on healing your inflamed liver. As I work on this, I am also cleaning your blood and your central nervous system which is a partially closed circulatory system. This is the only method that can reduce infection in the meninges (top layers of the brain and spine) and fully detox. The advantages this are too numerous to count. Almost all people now are born with infection in the meninges from the mother’s toxins in her amniotic fluid. These CNS toxins compound over many years and are the source of chronic disease.

The atherosclerosis healing process usually takes anywhere from three months to a year of work in average cases: session for twice or three times a week, depending on what I decide is necessary. This work will bring you back to health. You will be free to forest bathe or train for that marathon without concern. This healing work will significantly extend your life as it is a symphony, not a local band aid.

Good things take time. My work is not inexpensive, but I charge far less than the value of the work. It is an invaluable investment in yourself. Levashov healing is not faith based nor “intuitive” nor based on current New Age philosophies. It follows the evolutionary path of nature. I never prescribe supplements or meditation, (which can be dangerous to the system), or spiritual techniques other than protecting your natural shield. I show clients how to do this. My client must not drink alcohol or take recreational drugs during specific treatments. I ask that all medications are brought to my attention before my initial scan. Once again, I do not scan nor treat anyone who has or has had cancer, MS or HIV.

Be Well, Stay Well,

Anastasija Rebecca