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Welcome to the new Knowledge
is an energy healer practicing the highly efficacious intentional healing method created by the late Nicolai Levashov, Russian theoretical physicist and world-renowned master healer who trained her personally over fifteen years. She works remotely online and/or in person with her clients.
Ms. Blasband was born with healing ability which was significantly developed in her studies and work with Nicolai and her father Richard A. Blasband, M.D.. She uses specific and titrated mental energy to heal her clients physically, emotionally and spiritually by accessing their spiritual bodies where she lays in the appropriate healing programs. These remain activate in the system and affect real change.
Ms. Blasband’s healing programs compound and strengthen over time, from session to session.
In addition to healing the physical body, the Levashov method exponentially develops the mind/spirit.
The preventive benefits of this form of healing are numerous, such as the detoxification of vital organs: heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. This is one of the only methods available that can effectively cleanse and detoxify the Central Nervous System, CNS. This increases balanced energy, clarity of thought, wellbeing and joy in life. It may on its own cure depression and emotional instability.
The ablation and regeneration of cells is one of the prime functions of the Levashov healer incuring physical ailment and disease.
Common cold, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Ménière's Disease,Tinnitus, Keinbock’s Disease, Weakened thyroid and adrenal glands in immune system dysfunction, Chondromalacia of the cartilage of the knees, Post-traumatic spasm of the muscles of the arms, Various sprains of feet and ankles, Carpal tunnel syndrome, infertility and reproductive hormonal imbalances, Coronary artery disease and other occlusive problems of arteries,Pulmonary embolism, Stroke, Excessive tearing of the eyes, Stenosis (narrowing)of the spinal canal, Sciatica, Hemorrhoids, Traumatic brain damage,Developmental brain problems (including Asbergers), Prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy, Post encephalitic paralysis, Kidney stones,Glomerulonephritis (kidney disease), Bursitis, Various emotional problems, et al.
An applied science, a well-researched study of our spiritual bodies and their relationship to our physical body. Through his highly developed consciousness, Nicolai Levashov discerned that our spirit/mind has essentially three parts, which he names, according to ancient tradition, the etheric, astral, and mental bodies. Each of these has a distinct relationship to the physical body on which they depend for life energy. All must be in balance for the individual to experience physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Nicolai Levashov developed the minds/evolutionary neurons of his students in a specific way to have impact on another living organism for the purposes of healing. Ms. Blasband can see into the spiritual and physical bodies of her clients holographically. She then safely enters the spiritual bodies of her client with her mind and makes corrections in their imbalance and deficits. In the case of a physical ailment these corrections are then projected onto the physical organism where cure takes place. This is an elevated form of technology whereby the practitioner is at a certain level of evolution and understanding to create effective healing programs and implement them.
*This method of healing is not medical intuitive therapy, Reiki or faith based.
Nicolai Levashov found through extensive clinical experience and experimental studies that all developed living organisms consist of spiritual bodies in addition to the physical body. The spiritual bodies are invisible but they are made of the primordial building blocks of our anisotropic universe. According to Levashov, in the process of the formation of our universe, these building blocks, or as he calls them, Primary Matters, can interact and hybridize, forming a physical planet.
These Primary Matter layers flow at different speeds and serve certain functions. They remain self dimensional yet work entirely in UNISON.
Our six unified Primary Matters constitute the Earth’s Spirit
In the growth and development of living organisms, hybrid forms of the earth’s Primary Matter become the organism’s spirit. For example, everyone has at least an etheric body and an astral body. Some people have developed their mental bodies. These bodies are always working in consort with the Earth’s Primary Matters and intimately with the physical body which is their source of energy. The development of these bodies through the physical body and brain is Spiritual Evolution. It is our purpose for living!
The spiritual bodies have distinct functions: The etheric body is an identical template or blueprint of the physical body down to the DNA level. The astral body comprises all functions involved with emotion and memory. The mental bodies, which are more advanced in a person's development, are responsible for the kinds of qualities we call parapsychological, including clairvoyance, telepathy, and the like. Where there is development to higher levels, one finds a visionary, a humanitarian with advanced thinking and a philosophical nature. A person with developed mental bodies is able to have strong impact on the physical with intention.